God - Changing Our Thoughts

Today was a day of revelation. For almost five years I have been thinking on something that I could not grasp or get an answer to. Today as I was hanging laundry it came to me and now I understand why this web site has the scripture from Philippians on it. Here is what I learned about how to be positive. Here is the story:

Approximately five years ago, I received my inheritance from my parents will. I took the check received and laid it on the bed and kneeled down and asked God to show me what to do with it. I had many thoughts as to what the answer would be but this is what thought came. "Fix your house." Hmmmm. I thought it would be to invest in something (check out the stock markets, etc., now), or pay off our bills, or maybe go back to school. I obeyed and began to fix the house. Some rooms were not to be done while others just flowed and how beautiful it all came out. The perfect compliment of workers came into my life. The right designs fell into place. The house is small but it is so beautiful and now very energy efficient.

When the remodeling was completed, I thanked God so much for all the beautiful and good ideas that He gave and the people that came along side of me to do such a good job. A sweet sad thought came to me after the thankful prayer. It was: "Now that I have given you a good house to live in, will you do the same for Me." I have wondered since then, what made God so sad about the living conditions within me. What was it about my temple that made Him sad.

Today, the answer came. Here it is on this blog and it just now makes sense to me. It is my thoughts. It is all those negative things that I think in one day and then many times speak out of my mouth. I viewed a documentary DVD called "The Secret" a few weeks ago and this is really starting to help me identify what I need to change. I have been meditating on God's Word for a long time and more and more His Word has been changing my thought life. How exciting to clean up those old negative patterns and look forward to heart filled with good positive thoughts. If you would like to experience some of this good, adventure into this web site www.thesecret.tv You can purchase the DVD from overstock.com or amazon.com to name a few places or see if you can find it at your local video rental store or the library. There is another DVD out there called "The Secret" that is an actual movie. This is the wrong DVD. Just be sure you get the documentary filmed in 2006. The combination of knowing who we are in Christ, meditating on the Word of God daily, and identifying our gratitude and negative habits all fit together.

I'm so excited, because with God's help it's time to redecorate my thoughts and get rid of old bad ideas, replacing them with good, positive, exciting and progressive thoughts all based on God's Word.

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