What Ever You Put Your Hand To Do....

According to Ecclesiastes 9:10 (King James Version) it says: Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.

When I was very young I began to apply this scripture to my life. I tried to do an excellent job no matter how much I did not like to do it. I asked God for ways to help me to be enthusiastic about whatever good task I needed to accomplish. I have listed some of the benefits of applying this verse to my physical tasks that needed to be accomplished.
  1. It has given me the ability to finish classes in school that others with better learning abilities just slid through.
  2. While people were being laid off from jobs in the company I worked in, I was being promoted. I put my full efforts into my job.
  3. I have worked hard at our home and family and have found that there are no shortcuts or time to complain or compare who has the most work to do.
The above examples show that God's word can be applied in a physical way and we can see progress and success. Now let us look at some examples of this scripture in the spiritual sense.

  1. When I put my hand to spending time with God early in the morning, the whole day goes much better no matter what is going on.
  2. When I purposely spend time praising and thanking God for all that He has done and is doing in my life, my spirit is so lifted up.
  3. When I enthusiastically give of my time and money and heart, joy and love fill my house both physically and spiritually.
If you take your strength and enthusiasm and apply it to pursuing God with all your heart, you will find no greater success in your life than a solid relationship with the creator of the whole universe and the ultimate expression of love for God's very essence is love. I have learned that whatever I have been blessed to do in my life, that with God's help and hard work, it can be done even better than I ever dreamed possible.

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