UNITED STATES SENATE BILL S510 - What can we do...

You can contact your senator and representative and tell them you are opposed to the bill. Don't feel bad if you do not know who they are. You can just google "who is my United States Senator."

I spoke to Debbie Stabenow's office this morning (my U.S. Senator). I called the local office and left a message that I had some questions on a Senate Bill. I did not want to leave specifics because I wanted a call back. I have found with other government officials if you are too specific, you get sent to email, voice mail, etc. and it's very hard to talk to a real person.They called me back this morning.

Debbie Stabenow's representative was very courteous and informative.
  • I asked why this bill does not include cleaning up the FDA, USDA, and habitual violators on Corporate or Company Farms that are owned by large companies.
  • I also asked why there is no language in this bill to inspect imported foods from other countries.
  • Then I asked why it centered around the small farmer, individuals, etc.
  • Also, I asked why there needs to be a bill like this when the USDA AND FDA have not taken care of the problems they are already in charge of. For instance the egg scare. This farm had multiple violations for safety prior to  the egg recall and nothing was ever done by any of the agencies.
  • I also think that we need a law in this country to see what and who funds our senators, representatives, and all elected officials. I stated this as a statement and not a question.
There were no answers given to these questions but I believe this is only the beginning of what we need to ask. The representative in Debbie Stabenow's office gave me a website (http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d111:S510:) to go to so that I could read what is going on with this bill and what the wording of the bill is. You can get all sorts of information on the actual bill. I would first look at the person who drafted that bill and call their office. There are also 20 people listed who co-sponsored the bill. Why not call them too even if they are not your representative and tell them what you think.

In the meantime, my prayers are that no evil against this country and it's citizens will prosper. That God will give our government officials wisdom, integrity, and boldness to do what is right in the face of opposition and that they will be blessed as they follow righteousness.

Finally listen to this You Tube by Dr. Coburn (Senator) from Okalahoma. It is a bit long (the link is part one of his speech to the United States Senate) but is well worth the listen. He does an excellent job on this subject:

For part two of the senator's speech, click on the next following link:


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